Current Tax Title Properties

The following list of Tax Title properties have unpaid taxes, a lien has been recorded at the Hampden County Registry of Deeds, and are subject to foreclosure. The name of the owner listed is that shown on the “Instrument of Taking” document.  

This list is not indicative of the current owner, neither is the list certified to be complete or final. All records must be verified by the Treasurer.

Town properties are sold through an auction process. Properties may not be purchased by a direct sale. Payment of the tax title account, by someone other than the owner, does not transfer title or infer any rights to the property.

Land Auctions are organized by the Board of Selectmen when the list of properties is deemed to be worthwhile for a sale.

Current Tax Title Properties (Adobe.Acrobat.pdf)
This list is intended for informational purposes only, and is not to be construed in anyway to constitute the actual legal record.