File of Life Forms

Pick one up at the Center
File of Life Form
File of Life

Stop by the Center to get your File of Life form.  If you already have one, look it over for changes you may need to make.

This form is filled out by you and gives up to date information in case of an emergency.

You and your family may know all of the medications you take or allergies you have, but during an emergency, people can forget.

While you are in a calm state of mind, fill out this form and have all pertinent information in one place.

Even if your family knows you have a DNR, unless the EMT sees a copy, your wishes may not be followed to the letter.

EMT's are trained to look for this on the refrigerator and their biggest complaints about the form is that they were not filled out, or they were not up to date.

Call Outreach at 413-245-3163 if you want more information.