Planning Board


Mission Statement:  

To assist in the creation and maintenance of a  functional and attractive community through attention to municipal planning and project review.

The responsibilities of the Planning Board are established by Mass. General law and include:

  • Adopting a master Plan and Official map of the town;
  • Adopting subdivision rules and participating in definitive plan reviews;
  • Drafting and submitting zoning amendments to town voters for consideration;
  • Holding public hearings and reporting on such  zoning amendments;
  • Serving as a special permit granting authority;
  • Recommending roads for municipal consideration;
  • Serving as Site Plan review authority.

Contact the Planning Board

Staff Contacts

Name Title
Peter K. Frei Chair

Board Members

Name Title
Kyle M. Merolla Secretary
Robert J. Parron Member
Peter K. Frei Member
Charles Q. Furst Member
William E. Robertson Chair